Friday, July 2, 2010

Fourth of July Pet Safety

Remember when you were little and you would put your hands over your ears because the fireworks were too loud and scary. Well the same feeling happens to our beloved pets, except they don't have hands, and can't cover their ears. Fourth of July offers many dangers to pets, causing many of them, if left attended to run away due to their fear of the loud noises. But fireworks aren't the only Fourth of July dangers to pets; alcohol, glow sticks, picnic food (people food), and the hot weather, can also pose a threat.

My best advice would be to leave your pet at home, preferable indoors. I also turn on the radio and TV to help drown out the noise of the fireworks.

Have a Wonderful and Safe Fourth of July!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Keep Your Pet Safe

I remember the day I got Hailey, I think I looked up every possible thing a dog should avoid. At the time I lived with a roommate who was very careless about what fell on the floor when cooking, etc. One day I found onions and I freaked. Luckily, I found them before Hailey did. The ASPCA lists the following as the top 10 pet poisons.

Human Medications
"Last year, the ASPCA managed 45,816 calls involving prescription and over-the-counter drugs such as painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants and dietary supplements."

"One of the most common incidents involved the misuse of flea and tick products—such as applying the wrong topical treatment to the wrong species. Thus, it’s always important to talk to your pet’s veterinarian before beginning any flea and tick control program. "

3. People Food
People food like grapes, raisins, avocado and products containing xylitol, like gum, can seriously disable our furry friends..." One of the worst offenders—chocolate—contains large amounts of methylxanthines, which, if ingested in significant amounts, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst, urination, hyperactivity, and in severe cases, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors and seizures."

4. Plants
"Varieties such as azalea, rhododendron, sago palm, lilies, kalanchoe and schefflera are often found in homes and can be harmful to pets. Lilies are especially toxic to cats, and can cause life-threatening kidney failure even in small amounts."

5. Veterinary Medications
"Even though veterinary medications are intended for pets, they’re often misapplied or improperly dispensed by well-meaning pet parents."

6. Rodenticides
"Many baits used to attract rodents contain inactive ingredients that are attractive to pets as well."

7. Household Cleaners
Everybody knows that household cleaning supplies can be toxic to adults and children, but few take precautions to protect their pets from common agents such as bleaches, detergents and disinfectants." "These products, when inhaled by our furry friends, can cause serious gastrointestinal distress and irritation to the respiratory tract."

8. Heavy Metals
"Heavy metals such as lead, zinc and mercury...." "Lead is especially pernicious, and pets are exposed to it through many sources, including consumer products, paint chips, linoleum, and lead dust produced when surfaces in older homes are scraped or sanded."

9. Garden Products
"It may keep your grass green, but certain types of fertilizer and garden products can cause problems for outdoor cats and dogs." "Fertilizer exposure, which can cause severe gastric upset and possibly gastrointestinal obstruction."

10. Chemical Hazards
"A category on the rise, chemical hazards—found in ethylene glycol antifreeze, paint thinner, drain cleaners and pool/spa chemicals—form a substantial danger to pets. Substances in this group can cause gastrointestinal upset, depression, respiratory difficulties and chemical burns."

Another piece of advice, is to always keep the Animal Poison Control Center’s number on hand, (888) 426-4435, along with your vet and local 24 Hour Vet Facility. If you would like more information about the top 10, please visit the ASPCA's article at


Tail tucked between your legs,
Confusion in your eyes
I know it's hard to understand
That someone heard your cries.

When loneliness is all you know
And pain is all you feel
And no one can be trusted
And hunger's all too real.

That's the time the Lord sees you
And lets you know He's there
That's when He sends His messengers
The hearts that love and care.

Yes, rescuers are angels
You cannot see their wings
They keep them neatly folded
As they do their caring things.

The medicine to make you well,
Good food to make you strong.
And finally to help you learn
That hugs are never wrong.

The perfect place then must be found
The home where you can live
Secure and safe and happy
With joy to get and give.

When you reach your Forever Home,
Your place to feel whole.
The angels smile and off they go
To save another sole.

Author Unknown